Today, you have a unique, life-changing opportunity—to retire to a better, healthier, and more satisfying life abroad. No more worries about picking the “wrong” place… or making a costly mistake. You’ll be making an informed decision with both your heart and your head.
Your best option for making the best possible connections—connections with local experts, local expats, folks just like you dreaming of making a move, and, as well, with our entire team personally—is at the Retire Overseas Conference.
In each of our Retire Overseas Conference workshops, you’ll be briefed by teams of expats who have learned the hard way. They’ll show you how to tackle the practicalities you need to consider… so you can realize the lifestyle you’re dreaming of in as little as 12 months…
Discover The World's 14 Top Overseas Havens...
There Are So Many Enticing Options... Where Will Your Overseas Adventure Take You?
We'll Tackle The Big Issues, Head-On
The Retire Overseas Conference is completely focused on helping you consider all your top options worldwide, while providing the practical, nuts-and-bolts support you’ll need to plan all aspects of your overseas retirement.
You don’t even have to know where exactly you want to go. Our network of living overseas experts and expats will bring the information to help you decide—and deliver all the up-to-date information you need to make it happen.
Our World Class SpeakersMajor speakers below. See the full list on the speaker's page
Kathleen Peddicord
Kathleen Peddicord has been researching, writing, speaking, and presenting on the topics of living, retiring, and investing overseas for more than 30 years.
Lief Simon
Lief Simon has been taking a diversified global approach–to business, to investing, and to life in general–and showing others how to do the same, for more than 20 years.
The networking has just been out of this world, incredible, people all over the world, so nice, so willing to help you…

We have confirmation of what we hoped and answers for the questions we had–finally!
My expectations were exceeded!
I didn’t really know what to expect—this was our first seminar. But, since we chose to purchase the All Access Pass, we’ll be seeing you again!
We have learned so much here… We came here with SO MANY questions, I would say all of which were answered! This EXCEEDED my expectations!
Went way above and beyond my expectations. Appreciated all of the investment options! I would highly recommend the conference to family and friends.
It exceeded my expectations. I was resistant to the idea but came to please my spouse. I became very engaged with your help… I am now ready to move forward with a move. Now to visit and make a final decision!
My brain is overflowing. Not only did I hear good speakers, learn important information, etc., but I also met wonderful people who were attending the conference.
This conference is worth at least twice the price! The panel discussions and the information presented has been a wealth of information, and probably saved me a lot of time and money!
Excellent information. Speakers are very knowledgeable and engaging in their presentation. My attendance at this conference is of genuine value and very worthwhile. I commend your tireless efforts to bring this knowledge to your members. Thank you.
Well presented and highly informative and organized
We have been looking into overseas living for several years. This conference is answering the questions we’ve been asking as a couple.
Great fun!
The education you walk away with is superb. They answer a lot of questions you don’t even think about.

I have been wonderfully overwhelmed. My goodness what a production! I am so very glad that we were able to be here for these presentations. You have really jarred me. I have begun thinking in broader terms and I thank you for that.
The conference far surpassed our expectations. All of the presentations were structured very well and the presenters were very knowledgeable. We left with a wealth of information that would have taken us months or years to gather on our own. We recommend the conference to anyone interested in living and/or investing overseas.
What a team Lief and Kathleen have put together! I’m so impressed with the extent of professional knowledge present in each of the speaker’s presentations.
I think the info and people I’ve met
are super high quality and in the first day has
more than paid for the expense of the trip.
I feel much better prepared and therefore more confident in planning to retire in another country.
The absolute finest conference I ever attended.
Topics were great. Presenters were wonderful.
Your staff was outstanding.
The speakers are knowledgeable, they also are very good at being accessible, both before and after the individual sessions…

Once again superbly organized, well-delivered, on time,
straightforward and relevant topics.
Conference for me has been excellent —
exceeded expectations.
A SNEAK PREVIEW OF WHAT TO EXPECTThat's not all, more sections on the schedule page
Kathleen Peddicord welcomes Retire Overseas Conference attendees to the event and presents his opening remarks.
Lee Harrison presents on the all-important topic of timing your retirement.
Take The First Step To Your New Life Overseas...
Reserve your seat online now while tickets last, or call us at 1-888-627-8834 x2
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